99% photos!
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Enjoy ;)
This collection of pics were taken at Mathura and Vrindavan - Krishna ground-zero if you like. And from the mosque which forms part of the incredible Fatehpur Sikri palace complex.
They call me 'the breeze', I keep blowing down the road.
They call me 'the breeze', I keep blowing down the road.
I ain't got me nobody, I ain't carrying me no load. Ain't no change in the weather, ain't no change in me. Ain't no change in the weather, ain't no change in me.
I ain't hiding from nobody, ain't nobody hiding from me.
I've got that green light, baby, I've got to keep moving on. I've got that green light, baby, I've got to keep moving on.
I might go out to California, might go down to Georgia, might go home. (this is my complete profile :-))